Engine - Production Management
The license fee for the program: 3 500 EUR + VAT
The game models the operation of a company producing and selling car components and car engines. The company is part of an international group, but it is an independent economic unit responsible for its successful operation and decision-making. The engines are purchased by automotive companies all around the world, which are also owned by the group.
This creates, of course, a kind of security in sales, but it also limits the variety of trading conditions. The situation of the world economy is good, car purchases (which ultimately determine the demand for engines) are increasing worldwide, which means a good market for the customers of the company, the automotive companies assembling cars. The students can also buy spectacular demand forecast charts.
The country in which the factory operates is an average economically developed country. The company operates in a customs-free zone, all accounts are recorded in an international currency unit called World Currency Unit (WCU). The game also consists of interesting projects, like administration and warehousing services, outsourcing of the IT system, the introduction of the just-in-time inventory management system, etc.
How the Engine simulation software works:
- The students form groups and take over the management of the virtual company created by the simulation software.
- The virtual company is managed by making annual strategic decisions. The software gives a written feedback about the results of the decisions, and it also shows the important economic indicators (profit, cash flow, turnover) on a graph.
- The software settings can be modified in various ways based on different demands, purchase prices, credit conditions and a number of other factors.
- The software can simulate up to 12 periods.
The decisions:
In the game, the main company divisions and the decisions to be made can be divided into 3 main categories:
- Sales/marketing: the use of the marketing mix is limited at the factory level. The prices of the products can be determined by the management.
- Production/investment: the most important part of the game. It means setting the production factors such as raw materials, employees, equipment, factory halls, shifts, overtime.
- Finances: ensuring liquidity, and making decisions on loans required to finance the operation.
Advantages and learning points:
- The program provides an opportunity for the players of the simulation to put their basic knowledge in production management to the test, and gain an insight into the strategic questions of production and management.
- The structure of the program helps in synthesizing the knowledge of the students studying economics/technology, and in putting it into practice.
- Engine requires the proper operation of a number of factors, which characterizes the real world in general. Careful planning is essential to be successful in this simulation.
- The game challenges and develops analytical skills, as students are required to find the data they need from various financial, production and sales reports (for example balance sheets, income statements, cash flow, market research forecast).
- As a result, just like in real life, effective teamwork is essential to successfully complete the game.
- Károly Róbert University
- Budapesti Unversity of Technology and Economic
Licensing conditions:
- The duration of the license: 5 years from signing the contract
- A program can only be used for educational purposes and within your own institution, but it can be used in multiple workstations without paying extra fees.
- A license fee can be paid in one sum, or in multiple installments (which means 40% of the fee upfront, and according to the agreement, semi-annual or monthly deposits.)