TCHIBO Developing strategic thinking

For the colleagues of the Hungarian Tchibo (the middle management, the Tchibo management, the sales manager of the stores and the assistant manager), we had organized a strategic thinking development training.

The main goal was to enhance strategic thinking, help identify the connections and thorough decision-making (and the preparation for decision-making).

We had used a specific business simulation, which brought into focus the internal activity of Tchibo. In the course of the training, the participants in teams of 3-4 members represented the management boards of virtual merchant firms. They had made an initial business plan at the beginning of the training and created their own decision preparation process system. The companies had started in the same situation and as online and offline merchant firms in a competitive market, they had to compete for the customers.  During the virtual 4 years of the simulation, the participants could make a decision about these fields:

  • Pricing
  • Marketing
  • Acquisition
  • HR
  • Finance
  • Market research
  • Project decision-making

In the game, we had rated them along a scoring system, where the profit (60%) and the market share (40%) were the factors that mattered.

During the training - in the break between each round - our trainers had supported the participants with the business analysis and the feedback to understand the effect of their business decisions. We had highlighted especially the best practices and the profit impact of the decisions.

At the end of the training, the participants had made a self-assessment presentation, which had summarized their strategy, experiences and their reaction to the others' results during the competition. 

The analysis of the coach summary, the feedback, and a rating had closed the event. 

The participants gave a feedback through an online questionnaire.

How useful did you find the training? (1 not at all - 5 it was very useful) 
The result: 4,46/5

The expressions and the explanations of the coaches were understandable and clear to me. (1 not at all - 5 fully understand).
The result: 4,62/5

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