For the first time this year, OTP Bank wished to prove they don't provide a career path only for economist but they also offer a good job opportunity for IT graduates. This was the beginning of the OTP BankIT Competition.
You could be a high-school or university student, maybe a professional, if you were interested in the IT field you could apply with your teams of 2-4 members and participated in this language-independent competition.
In the online qualifying round the contestants had to take a tour around the virtual office of OTP Bank, while they ought to solve different logical-mathematical and programming tasks.
Those teams qualified for the next round, which successfully gained 80 points. In this complicated stage, the competitors had to program a virtual robot to go along on a track. At the end of the stage, the best 24 teams proceeded to the final round.
In the final the contestants could test their skills in practice as they had to program a real LEGO EV3 robot to go along on a track while, it had to sense and calculate the green spot alongside the track. (The robot had a sensor, which senses the distance and a sensor, which could sense the light and the colors. The competitors had to use these to lead the robot to the finish.)
If you are curious about the first online round's tasks, you could try them by clicking on the link!