BeerCo - Production, Logistics & Retail

The license fee for the program: 3 500 EUR + VAT

The program simulates the operation of a virtual beer producing and vending company. In the simulation, it is very important to schedule the launching of the new products carefully. There are 5 companies competing in one market in the game.

The company can produce altogether 9 products in 3 segments (lager, premium and super premium), 3 products in each segment. At the beginning of the game, the company does not own the knowhow that is necessary for producing all the different beer types, which means that it can only create three “standard” products. In order to be able to produce and sell the other products, the company would need to invest in product development and in buying licenses. Of course, the students should also consider the marketing of the new products and the acquisition and expansion of the resources needed.

The players can make decisions about the operation of the company in the following fields: marketing, and sales, research and development, investments/orders, finances, market information about the competitors (the other groups). Apart from these, there are many ways to make this program (dealing with a quite relatable topic) even more interesting for the students.

How the BeerCo simulation software works:

  • The students form groups and take over the management of the virtual shop created by the simulation software.
  • The virtual shop is managed by making strategic decisions for every quarter of a year. The software gives a written feedback about the results of the decisions, and it also shows the important economic indicators (profit, Cash flow, traffic,…) on a graph.
  • The settings of the software can be changed in many ways in the case of different demands, purchase prices, the wage flexibility values, and also based on credit conditions and other variables.
  • The software can simulate up to 12 periods.
  • The program shows a basic economic activity, the operation of a special producing company, highlighting the most important strategic points in the management of the company.
  • The program is complex enough to help students who are coming near to finishing their studies to be able to use their knowledge in a real-life situation, but it can also be a fun and effective tool for first-grade students to shape their perspective in a different way than academic knowledge does.
  • The game demonstrates the situation of economic competition, which – just like in real life – can be shaped by the participants of the economy as well.
  • Preparation and planning are essential for a successful operation.
  • The game tests and improves analytic skills.
  • Successful teamwork – as in real life – is the key to be able to succeed in the game.


  • The program has proven to be really useful in many student competitions and company trainings.

Licensing conditions:

  • The duration of the license: 5 years from signing the contract
  • A program can only be used for educational purposes and within your own institution, but it can be used in multiple workstations without paying extra fees.
  • A license fee can be paid in one sum, or in multiple installments (which means 40% of the fee upfront, and according to the agreement, semi-annual or monthly deposits.)
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