In 2014, two innovative and successful Hungarian companies, Loxon Solutions Ltd. and Dorsum Ltd., launched the BankTech Java Challenge programming competition for the first time, aiming to present a challenge to entrepreneurial-minded university students and professionals with some experience.
In 2017, Loxon became an independent sponsor of the competition, giving rise to the Loxon Java Challenge.
The Loxon Java Challenge, held for the 7th time in 2023, is a programming competition. The main goal of the competition is to pose a challenge to university students and recent graduates, providing them with an opportunity to gain professional experience and win valuable prizes.
Throughout the championship, participants can familiarize themselves with the work of IT professionals through IT case study tasks and quiz questions developed by the sponsors' experts while gaining practical experience.
The theme of the competition is Java programming, and participants are faced with an extraordinary challenge: they must survive in the vast and perilous world of the galaxy as leaders of a star system. Competitors must demonstrate their programming skills through three rounds.
The structure of the competition is as follows:
- Online Qualifiers (first two rounds): The first two qualifying rounds take place online, where participants must solve Java programming tasks. Based on the results, the top 20 teams proceed to the live final.
- Live Final: During the live final, participants can prove their knowledge through additional Java programming tasks. This is the highest level of the competition, where competitors must showcase their talent live. The winner of the Loxon Java Challenge is determined here.
Participation in the competition not only offers the chance to win valuable prizes but also provides participants with an opportunity for professional experience and potential career development with the competition's sponsoring company.
Since 2014, not only students but also experienced professionals have been able to participate in the competition, allowing seasoned IT experts to assess the competitiveness of their expertise alongside young talents.